Teacher Concepts in Thinking Perspectives

Teacher Concepts in Thinking Perspectives
Education is a guidance or leadership consciously by the educator on the physical and spiritual development of the educated towards the formation of the main personality (Marimba, 1998: 9). Education also means as all the actions and efforts of the older generation to transfer their knowledge, experience, skills, and skills (people call this also transferring culture) to the younger generation, in an effort to prepare it to fulfill its life functions both physically and spiritually. It can also be said that education is a deliberate attempt by an adult to increase the child's influence to maturity which is always interpreted to be able to assume the moral responsibility of all his actions (Zuhairini, et al. On Educational Reform and Value Re-Orientation).
The hope of the guidance given by this teacher is a change in students themselves. The formation of personality is the result of changes in the educational process. Personality is the main goal of Islamic education which always prioritizes the value of Islamic teachings. But the reality now is the quality of education is increasingly down, because education has not reached its true goal. Even education is now used as a tool to achieve fame, position and material alone. Therefore, the higher a person's level of education is not necessarily the better his personality.
Thus the teacher becomes one of the factors of education must be professional in carrying out their teaching activities, because it is the teacher who gives great influence to their students, so the teacher is required to be able to provide good direction in accordance with the educational goals of forming personalities that are in accordance with Islamic values. Thus the success of the learning process is achieved. The success and failure of a teaching and learning process in general can be judged by the outputs, ie people who are as educational products. When education produces people who can be responsible for humanitarian and divine tasks, act more in favor of both themselves and others, education is said to be successful. Conversely, if the outputs are people who are unable to carry out their life's tasks, the education fails (Rusn, 1998: 123).
The success of education in producing output is largely held by the teacher, because the teacher is one of the components in the teaching and learning process that plays a role in the effort to form potential human resources in the development field (Sardiman, 1990: 123). Teachers in providing knowledge to students are not only done in formal educational institutions, but can also be carried out in mosques, at home, and so on, as is the community's view of teachers (Isa, 1994: 79) as said by Syaiful Bahri Djamarah that:
The teacher is the spiritual father or spiritual father of a student. He who gives food and soul knowledge, moral education and justify it. So respecting the teacher means respecting us, teacher appreciation means respect for our children. It is with these teachers that they live and develop (2000: 42). The above description shows that the duties and responsibilities of the teacher are so great, the teacher is required to have abilities
 Nowadays being a teacher is not as easy as imagined, the teacher must be professional, meaning that the teacher must have the personality, capability, and quality of adequate human resources supported by adequate human resources as well. This is nothing but to achieve the desired educational goals, and also basically the task of the teacher is like a doctor's task which cannot be left to just anyone (Gordon, 1986: 1). If the assignment is left to the non-expert, then wait for its destruction. In addition, according to Dr. Muhaimin M.A, in his book Islamic Education Development Discourse said that:
Teacher professionalism must be supported by several factors, among others: 1) high dedication to the task, 2) commitment to the quality of work processes and results and 3) continuous improvement attitude, which is always trying to improve and update its work methods, in accordance with the demands epoch based on a high awareness that the task of educating is the task of preparing the next generation who will live in the future (2003: 209). Realized or not basically the responsibility of a child's education is based on his parents because the parents have an interest in the progress of the child's development, namely the child's success is the success of the parents, then due to various activities and other factors that do not allow parents to educate their children, then this is where the task of a teacher (Nata, 1999: 62).